We bring together leading academics, experienced trade practitioners and negotiators to address key challenges faced by businesses and governments seeking to expand trade and investment opportunities across the globe.
Our research spans the Asia Pacific, Central Asia, South East Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America with a particular focus on developing economies.
We are experienced in facilitating cohort engagement through professional linkages with government, business and international networks, and delivering applied outcomes.
Drawing on our extensive network of distinguished researches and experienced trade practitioners, IIT brings together discipline knowledge and practical expertise to conduct research.
Featured news
The Impact of Due Diligence Legislation on International Trade and Business: An Analysis of Potential Trade-Offs
WORKNG PAPER 17: As countries increasingly adopt due diligence legislation to promote human rights, labor standards, and environmental sustainability in global value chains, a complex dilemma arises. While these laws commendably aim to address moral and political issues in international trade, they may also impose significant costs on companies, potentially disincentivizing investment and trade. This study examines the impact of due diligence laws on international trade and business, analyzing some 60 cases.
Read more about An Analysis of Potential Trade-OffsPOLICY AND ENGAGEMENT
IIT is a global leader in researching, analysing and commenting on International Trade.
Jean Monnet Network
Funded under the EU Erasmus Plus Program, the Jean Monnet Network funds teaching and research on EU policies and fosters dialogue between academics, decision-makers and civil society actors around the world.
Centre of Excellence in Trade & Environment Jean Monnet Chair in Trade & Environment