Webinar: "The impact of servicification on global supply chains in the Asean Region: Dynamics, restrictions, and policy Implications"

Monday 8 June, 2020 TIISA held its first webinar. 

Service trade is on the rise, direct across borders, but also importantly also embedded in goods. Many of these goods, especially from emerging markets are intermediate goods that feed into global value chains (GVCs). The 2019 World Trade Report by the WTO is focussed on directly traded services, and not so much on services embedded in goods.  The World Bank’s World Development Report 2020 is focussed on GVCs, with little on services.

The presentations and discussion in the webinar sought to start to close these gaps.  Also the research community is coming to terms with policy restrictions that hamper trade in services.  Measuring those restrictions helps to organise and speed up policy discussion and possibly leads to liberalisation. These policy implications are also discussed.


Hein Roelfsema - Utrecht University
Christopher Findlay - University of Adelaide

Xinquan TU - University of International Business and Economics

Ingo Borchert - University of Sussex 

Tagged in Trade and Investment in Services Associates

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