Webinar: An Enhanced Measure of Regional Cooperation and Integration

The Asia-Pacific Regional Cooperation and Integration Index (ARCII) is a robust tool to track progress on different areas of regional cooperation and integration (RCI). To capture its increasingly complex nature, the enhanced ARCII framework offers several innovations including new dimensions on digital connectivity and environmental cooperation.

The seminar discussed the main results of the new framework.

Professor Jane Drake-Brockman of IIT, University of Adelaide along with leading experts discussed the implications for regional and global integration, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Host & Moderator

Cyn-Young Park
Director, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division
Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department
Asian Development Bank


Rolando Avendano
Economist, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division
Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department
Asian Development Bank


Jane Drake-Brockman
Industry Professor
Institute for International Trade
University of Adelaide

Ronald Butiong
Chief, Regional Cooperation and Integration Thematic Group
Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department
Asian Development Bank

Yann Duval
Chief of Trade Policy and Facilitation
Trade, Investment and Innovation Division
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for the Asia and the Pacific

Tagged in Trade and Investment in Services Associates, E-Commerce | Digital Trade

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