Sustainability in European Union Trade Policy

The EU’s trade policy sets out to support a transformation of its economy and help foster global sustainable development. This can substantially influence global trade and investment and serve as an instrument to attain climate neutrality. An underlying objective is to strengthen the competitiveness of production relying on environmentally friendly technologies.
This requires continued engagement to support trading on WTO terms, the further inclusion of environmental clauses in trade agreements and enhanced intellectual property-rights protection.
In this event Professor Thede provided insight into plausible policy implications by taking stock of current policy implementation, drawing on evidence from international economics research.
Presenter: Associate Professor Susanna Thede, Institute for European Studies, University of Malta
Discussant: Emeritus Professor Richard Pomfret, University of Adelaide
Moderator: Professor Peter Draper, Jean Monnet Chair in Trade and Environment, University of Adelaide

Funded by the European Union
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