News: European Union
TIISA Young Scholars Awards Presentations & Webinar
Trade & Investment in Services Associates (TIISA) was please to host an online presentation and discussion with the recent winners of the Young Scholar Paper Award offering a Paper Award who presented their papers on topics relating to International Trade and Investment in Services.
[Read more about TIISA Young Scholars Awards Presentations & Webinar ]
In Conversation with Europe - EU Diplomats visit Adelaide

On 21-23 October a group of twenty-two EU ambassadors and heads of mission came to Adelaide. They visited various businesses in the state and met Premier Steven Marshall to discuss how to further expand European connections with South Australia. On the evening of Thursday 22 October, The Centre of Excellence
co-sponsored a public panel discussion in the University of Adelaide’s Elder Hall which was followed by a dinner at the National Wine Centre.
[Read more about In Conversation with Europe - EU Diplomats visit Adelaide ]
China-EU Bilateral Investment Treaty negotiations in a crucial time: A Chinese Perspective

Chenye Zhang, IIT Visiting Researcher and PhD Candidate at the University for International Business and Economics.
A Chinese perspective: In November 2013 BIT negotiations between China and the EU officially commenced. The goal was to reach a high-level agreement covering investment protection and market access. At the China-EU Summit in 2019, both parties reached consensus on achieving a high-level BIT by the end of 2020. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has caused difficulties, China and the EU have been actively pushing the negotiations forward.
The EU and COVID-19

Richard Pomfret - Professor of Economics & Jean Monnet Chair Economics of European Integration, The University of Adelaide
The EU has had a crisis-ridden decade with the sovereign debt, migration and Brexit crises. By the end of 2019, with the Greek debt crisis winding down, migration and refugees out of the headlines and Brexit done, skies looked clearer for the new Commission under Ursula von der Leyen and the new head of the European Central Bank (ECB) Christine Lagarde.
The UK after Brexit

Richard Pomfret - Professor of Economics & Jean Monnet Chair Economics of European Integration, The University of Adelaide
On 31 January 2020 Britons celebrated or mourned the UK’s departure from the European Union. Brexit will be followed by a transition period until the end of the current EU budget cycle on 31 December 2020. During the transition, the UK will continue to adhere to EU rules while managing the practicalities of Brexit.
Brexit - What it means for Australia
The Institute for International Trade (IIT) in partnership with The Australian British Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) hosted a panel discussion at the National Wine Centre. "Brexit - What it means for Australia". An expert panel shed light on the latest Brexit developments. Topical discussions on the political and economic developments in both London and Brussels, along with what all of this means for Australia and a possible Australia/UK trade deal.
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