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Geopolitical tensions and economic fragmentation: a trade policy response

POLICY BRIEF 20: Carlos A. Primo Braga is an Adjunct Professor, Fundação Dom Cabral, Brazil; Visiting Professor at IMD, Switzerland and at El Colegio de México.
Douglas Lippoldt is a non-resident Senior Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI, Canada). At a time when effective global co-ordination and action are desperately required, developments on the ground present several challenges. The shock from the COVID-19 pandemic elicited protectionist sentiment in some areas and continues to weigh on the global economy, despite the heroic response by the medical community. The war in Ukraine is tremendously costly to the adversaries. It has also proven very costly to third parties, especially those dependent on food and energy supply from the region.
[Read more about Geopolitical tensions and economic fragmentation: a trade policy response]
Monitoring the impact of the EU’s new foreign investment screening mechanism

Jens Hillebrand Pohl is a Research Scientist in the Faculty of Management and Business at Tampere University, Finland.
Amidst the rise of increased geoeconomic competition, the European Union introduced a foreign direct investment screening framework for member states. The framework coordinates member-state national screening mechanisms, rather than an EU-level screening authority, reflecting the compromise reached between the EU commissions favour of a cautionary approach and the member states pushing for EU regulation. This policy brief outlines the Commission’s monitoring mandate over investment screening activity, proposing a set of parameters for measuring the impact of screening on investment.
[Read more about Monitoring the impact of the EU’s new foreign investment screening mechanism ]
Reforming EU Rules of Origin Applied to Trade Agreements with Africa - Webinar (Copy)

Thursday, 10 November 2022 The Institute for International Trade (IIT), through its Centre of Excellence in International Trade & Global Affairs, held a webinar and presentation on the case for Reforming EU Rules of Origin Applied to Trade Agreements with Africa.
Open strategic autonomy and the new geoeconomics: consequences for EU trade policy

Jens Hillebrand Pohl is a Research Scientist in the Faculty of Management and Business at Tampere University, Finland.
The geoeconomic paradigm shift has led the European Union in pursuit of open strategic autonomy, in response to the need for dynamic strategy to manage economic interdependence. Europe is adapting to global power competition through a range of policy areas increasing their geoeconomic competitiveness, including updating their geoeconomic defences through policy and strengthening their diminishing geoeconomic power through international cooperation. However, this does not simply result in effects to external relationships, but has exposed divisions amongst member states in how to manage Europe’s economic interdependence.
Measuring diversification in Australian Goods Exports, 2001-2021: Policy and Technical Considerations

China’s blocking of sales of Australian commodities has led to increased interest in diversification of Australia’s exports, to lessen dependence on the Chinese market. Australia’s export diversifications was increasing in the second half of the 21st century, with the Australian government seeking new markets in the emerging economies. However, export concentration, both geographically and in products and commodities, has increased since the start of this century. This paper measures the geographical export concentration and the product concentration of Australian exports to China and the World over the previous 20 years, and the policy implications.
Trade4Climate Event Series for Australian Industry and SME's

The University of Adelaide’s Institute for International Trade, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in International Trade and Global Affairs, with funding from the European Union’s Erasumus Plus programme, and the Global Trade Professionals Alliance (GTPA) are hosting a Trade4Climate Event Series for Australian Industry and SME's
[Read more about Trade4Climate Event Series for Australian Industry and SME's]
Reforming EU Rules of Origin Applied to Trade Agreements with Africa

Mike Humphrey, Senior Trade Consultant. Currently there are multiple sets of Rules of Origin (RoO) that apply to the EU’s different trade agreements it has with various groups of African countries. In this Op Ed I will make the case for replacing these with a single set of RoO that apply to all these different trade agreements, making cumulation possible with any African country for all African exporters to the EU.
[Read more about Reforming EU Rules of Origin Applied to Trade Agreements with Africa]
Reforming EU Rules of Origin Applied to Trade Agreements with Africa - Webinar

The Institute for International Trade (IIT), through its Centre of Excellence in International Trade & Global Affairs, invite you to join us for a presentation on the case for Reforming EU Rules of Origin Applied to Trade Agreements with Africa. Thursday, 10 November 2022
[Read more about Reforming EU Rules of Origin Applied to Trade Agreements with Africa - Webinar ]
Third Australia-Europe Economic Relations Dialogue

4th October, 2022. Third Australia-Europe Economic Relations Dialogue. Hosted by Friedrich-Schiller Universitat Jena, Senatssaal.
Attended by Peter Draper (IIT) who opened the policy roundtable, Andreas Freytag (Friedrich-Schiller Universitat FSU), Mike Plummer (Johns Hopkins University, Bologna)
Uwe Cantner, Vice-President FSU Jena. Key note speaker Anabel Gonzalez, Deputy Director General, WTO: Trade Policy in Times of Systems Competition
[Read more about Third Australia-Europe Economic Relations Dialogue]
Reviving the EUs Free Trade commitments - let’s start with Australia!

Catharina Rinzema, Member of European Parliament (Renew Europe, The Netherlands), Morten Lokkegaard, Member of European Parliament (Renew Europe, Denmark), Professor Peter Draper, Executive Director of the Institute for International Trade.
The European Parliament this month sent a delegation to Australia to strengthen our ties with strategic Indo-Pacific partners. This op-ed argues that these democratic allies and trade partners have a good opportunity to promote common values and rule-of-law trade through the under-negotiation EU-Australia free trade agreement.
[Read more about Reviving the EUs Free Trade commitments - let’s start with Australia!]
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