International Trade and Sustainable Development: The Future of Climate and Biodiversity Governance


This policy brief explores how we can achieve this balance through improved governance, emphasizing the need for polycentric governance that promotes collective action among governments, businesses, and individuals worldwide.

Key Highlights:

  • Polycentric governance: A shift towards collective decision-making across various jurisdictions.
  • Sustainable trade agreements: Emphasising sustainable development in trade agreements, integrating environmental considerations into negotiations and dispute settlements.
  • Transparency & accountability: Ensuring robust data collection and scenario planning, including independent monitoring mechanisms.
  • Multi-stakeholder initiatives: Encouraging collaboration among businesses, governments, and civil society to develop and implement sustainable trade practices.


Dr. Tracey Dodd, Prof. Johanna Kujala, Dr. Riikka Tapaninaho, Dr. Annika Blomberg, Dr. Anna Hannula,
Heta Leinonen, and Filippe Delarissa Barros.

The views expressed here are the author’s alone and not those of the Institute for International Trade.

Tagged in Policy Brief, Featured, Centre of Excellence

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