News: Working Papers

Rethinking special and differential treatment in the World Trade Organization


The overarching principle of SDT is encapsulated in paragraph 1 of the preamble to the Marrakesh Agreement (1994), establishing the WTO and specifying its functions. The WTO Secretariat lists 155 SDT provisions in the WTO Agreements. Development issues have been dealt with in the WTO for over sixty-years in subsequent ‘Trade Rounds’ and have concluded with varying degrees of success.

[Read more about Rethinking special and differential treatment in the World Trade Organization]

Economic Coercion by China: The impact on Australia's merchandise exports


Australia is estimated to have foregone export revenue of around US$4.9 billion (A$6.6 billion) over July 2020 to February 2021 as a result of China’s restrictions or discriminatory purchasing affecting eight key commodities – coal, copper ores and concentrates, frozen beef, wine, cotton, barley, rough wood and rock lobster.

[Read more about Economic Coercion by China: The impact on Australia's merchandise exports ]

Industrial Subsidies and their impacts on exports of trading partners: The China Case


This paper explores the impact of Chinese subsidy interventions in the upstream sector on the competitiveness of the downstream sector. In particular, the paper investigates the effect of Chinese subsidies on basic metal products on the export competitiveness of downstream sectors in other major trading countries. To explore the impact of base metal subsidies interventions on the downstream sector of a trading partner, we exploit both temporal variation in subsidy interventions and in base-metal consumption by the downstream sector.

[Read more about Industrial Subsidies and their impacts on exports of trading partners: The China Case]

Morphing Risks to Australia’s Goods Trade with China

Boat in water

At the start of 2020, the US-China Economic and Trade Agreement (the Phase One Agreement or Agreement) captured the attention of Australian policy makers and business. China had agreed to substantially increase goods imports from the United States in 2020 and 2021 and to accept certain US standards and conformity assessment procedures to assist US companies to access Chinese agricultural markets.

[Read more about Morphing Risks to Australia’s Goods Trade with China]

Industrial Subsidies, market competition, global trade and investment: Towards a research agenda

Industrial Subsidies Working Paper

Subsidization by states of their domestic industries to gain competitive advantage abroad is a perennial topic in international trade discussions. As the world moves into a multipolar environment and China rises in economic prominence, the rules governing subsidies, particularly to the industrial sector, are in the spotlight. 

[Read more about Industrial Subsidies, market competition, global trade and investment: Towards a research agenda]

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