News: Centre of Excellence

Carbon Tax Creep Beyond Industrial Goods: Challenges and Risks for Extending Coverage to Agriculture

Carbon Tax

Tim Ryan is completing a Masters in International Trade and Development at the University of Adelaide, and is Manager of Global Trade Development at Meat & Livestock Australia. 
Governments around the world are implementing emissions reduction policies to mitigate the impact of global warming, however the application of climate policies will occur at different speeds and depth due to varying levels of development and degrees of ambition. There are inherent dangers from unilateral expansion of carbon tax regimes, not least protectionism, hence this brief argue for a cautious and multilateral approach to carbon taxation.

[Read more about Carbon Tax Creep Beyond Industrial Goods: Challenges and Risks for Extending Coverage to Agriculture]

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Trade & Environment

No Planet B

The University of Adelaide, through its Institute for International Trade, has established the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Trade and Environment. Funded by the EU’s Erasmus Plus programme, the COE will work across the University, including its Environment Institute and Institute for Sustainability and Resources, to catalyse research into linkages between international trade and the environment. The COE will also emphasise stakeholder and community engagement to raise awareness of these linkages.

[Read more about Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Trade & Environment]

Trade4Climate Event Series for Australian Industry and SME's

Trade4Climate event series

The University of Adelaide’s Institute for International Trade, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in International Trade and Global Affairs, with funding from the European Union’s Erasumus Plus programme, and the Global Trade Professionals Alliance (GTPA) are hosting a Trade4Climate Event Series for Australian Industry and SME's

[Read more about Trade4Climate Event Series for Australian Industry and SME's]

Reforming EU Rules of Origin Applied to Trade Agreements with Africa

Male - Factory worker

Mike Humphrey, Senior Trade Consultant. Currently there are multiple sets of Rules of Origin (RoO) that apply to the EU’s different trade agreements it has with various groups of African countries. In this Op Ed I will make the case for replacing these with a single set of RoO that apply to all these different trade agreements, making cumulation possible with any African country for all African exporters to the EU.

[Read more about Reforming EU Rules of Origin Applied to Trade Agreements with Africa]

Reforming EU Rules of Origin Applied to Trade Agreements with Africa - Webinar

Male - Factory worker

The Institute for International Trade (IIT), through its Centre of Excellence in International Trade & Global Affairs, invite you to join us for a presentation on the case for Reforming EU Rules of Origin Applied to Trade Agreements with Africa. Thursday, 10 November 2022

[Read more about Reforming EU Rules of Origin Applied to Trade Agreements with Africa - Webinar ]

Third Australia-Europe Economic Relations Dialogue

EU Centre

4th October, 2022. Third Australia-Europe Economic Relations Dialogue. Hosted by Friedrich-Schiller Universitat Jena, Senatssaal.
Attended by Peter Draper (IIT) who opened the policy roundtable, Andreas Freytag (Friedrich-Schiller Universitat FSU), Mike Plummer (Johns Hopkins University, Bologna)
Uwe Cantner, Vice-President FSU Jena. Key note speaker Anabel Gonzalez, Deputy Director General, WTO: Trade Policy in Times of Systems Competition 

[Read more about Third Australia-Europe Economic Relations Dialogue]

Reviving the EUs Free Trade commitments - let’s start with Australia!

Australia-Europe Economic Relations Dialogue

Catharina Rinzema, Member of European Parliament (Renew Europe, The Netherlands), Morten Lokkegaard, Member of European Parliament (Renew Europe, Denmark), Professor Peter Draper, Executive Director of the Institute for International Trade.
The European Parliament this month sent a delegation to Australia to strengthen our ties with strategic Indo-Pacific partners. This op-ed argues that these democratic allies and trade partners have a good opportunity to promote common values and rule-of-law trade through the under-negotiation EU-Australia free trade agreement.

[Read more about Reviving the EUs Free Trade commitments - let’s start with Australia!]

The future of EU trade policy and strategies in a militarised environment


China’s economic rise has transformed the international trade system. Furthermore, given its divergent economic model China is challenging the global economic order in ways that previous Asian competitors never did. In response to systemic rivalry and an increasingly tense international environment, the EU seeks to build more “strategic autonomy” from the United States, its main security benefactor. Economically, the EU policy of Open Strategic Autonomy seeks to maintain openness to trade, while developing tools for dealing with coercive and unfair trade practices. This paper identifies the key elements of this policy, as well as the risks it holds for European economic liberalism.

[Read more about The future of EU trade policy and strategies in a militarised environment]

CELIS Forum on Investment Screening (CFIS) 2022

Pictured left to right:  Professor Steffen Hindelang, Dr Lena Hornkohl, Dr Naoise McDonagh

1st - 3rd June 2022, IIT’s Dr Naoise McDonagh was invited to present at the 2022 CELIS Institute Annual Forum on Investment Screening. CFIS 22 is Europe's first and foremost forum to discuss questions on investment screening and security. It serves to enhance the Institute's analytical capacity and facilitate the shaping of common approaches. A marketplace of ideas, CFIS 22 brings together EU officials, national experts, diplomats, academics, business leaders, think tankers, and representatives of civil society and the media from across Europe and beyond.

[Read more about CELIS Forum on Investment Screening (CFIS) 2022 ]

Improving border adjustment mechanisms

Gas emissions

Despite several attempts and significant progress, broad agreement on the most appropriate way to manage conflicts between international trade and environmental issues has yet to emerge. Consequently, this paper begins with a search for a set of principles to guide the use of border adjustment mechanisms to ameliorate global environmental problems or, as economists call them, global externalities.
Ten principles are developed, and then applied to the European Union's current CBAM design, and recommendations for improving that design are put forward. As this CBAM is rooted in the EU's Emissions Trading System, broad recommendations for aligning the ETS with the principles are also offered.

[Read more about Improving border adjustment mechanisms ]

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