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2019 Global Solutions Summit, Berlin

2019 Global Solutions Summit, Berlin

Keith Wilson, Senior International Trade Law Counsellor, Institute of International Trade
Contributions at the third Global Solutions Summit ( addressed the full spectrum of challenges in a period of major change – and a looming sense of crisis – in the international political, economic and social order. These were the four key priorities I took away from the 2019 Summit held in Berlin, Germany from 18-19 March 2019, in support of the Japanese Presidency of the G20/T20. The Think 20 (T20) will be held in May, leading up to the G20 itself in Osaka in June 2019.

[Read more about 2019 Global Solutions Summit, Berlin]

Australian Export Exposure to Foreign Trade Distortions: Evidence from the Global Trade Alert

Global Trade

Simon Evenett, Professor of International Trade and Economic Development at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Given Australia’s significant economic integration into the world trading system, foreign protectionism poses a genuine threat to Australian living standards. While the current US administration’s trade policy has put the spotlight on protectionism, in fact over the past decade there has been sustained resort to trade distortions by many governments.

[Read more about Australian Export Exposure to Foreign Trade Distortions: Evidence from the Global Trade Alert]

Crisis in the WTO appellate body and the need for wider WTO reform negotiations

Crisis WTO Appellate

Visiting Fellow Andrew Stoler - Serves on the Advisory Committee of the European Centre for International Political Economy and is a member of the International Academic Advisory Board of the United States Studies Centre (USSC) at the University of Sydney.
The Marrakesh Agreement’s Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) represented a major step forward in trade dispute settlement from the largely ineffective pre-1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) system. Under GATT, dispute-settlement panels’ establishment was frequently blocked; panels that were established frequently had their reports’ adoption blocked by losing parties; timeframes were ineffective; and American dissatisfaction often led to unilateral trade actions implemented pursuant to Washington’s s. 301 statute.

[Read more about Crisis in the WTO appellate body and the need for wider WTO reform negotiations]

The G20 and the challenges confronting the global trading system

Global Trade Reform Roundtable

The Japanese desire not to antagonize the Trump Administration means there is little prospect of concerted G20 action this year. IIT partnered with RIETI (based in Tokyo), and ANU’s Research School for Asia and the Pacific to host a Think 20 Trade taskforce dialogue on the G20’s trade agenda. 

[Read more about The G20 and the challenges confronting the global trading system]

3rd Adelaide PhD Summer Institute in International Trade

3rd Adelaide PhD Summer Institute in International Trade

The Institute for International Trade hosts the 3rd Adelaide PhD Summer Institute in International Trade. Adelaide was the centre of PhD student research in international trade in Australasia on March 20 and 21, as twelve aspiring PhD students and Adelaide scholars in international trade met to discuss their research.

[Read more about 3rd Adelaide PhD Summer Institute in International Trade]

Brexit - What it means for Australia

The Institute for International Trade (IIT) in partnership with The Australian British Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) hosted a panel discussion at the National Wine Centre.  "Brexit - What it means for Australia". An expert panel shed light on the latest Brexit developments. Topical discussions on the political and economic developments in both London and Brussels, along with what all of this means for Australia and a possible Australia/UK trade deal.

[Read more about Brexit - What it means for Australia ]

Official Opening of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in International Trade & Global Affairs

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Guest speaker Senator the Honourable Simon Birmingham, Australian Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate, gave an address on Australia’s relations with the EU and current trade policy challenges.

[Read more about Official Opening of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in International Trade & Global Affairs]

Official Opening of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in International Trade & Global Affairs and Book Launch

The Institute for International Trade invites you to join special guest Senator The Honourable Simon Birmingham,  Australian Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate for the official opening of the newly established Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in International Trade and Global Affairs.

[Read more about Official Opening of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in International Trade & Global Affairs and Book Launch]

Transatlantic relations and the international trading system


Steve Woolcock, London School of Economics
Today there are more doubts that transatlantic cooperation is in the mutual interest of the US and EU than at any time since the creation of the GATT.  First, the US Administration is pursuing a purely value-claiming (“I win you lose”) trade strategy vis–a– vis the EU (and other countries) when the norm has been value creating or “win-win”.

[Read more about Transatlantic relations and the international trading system]

Australia-Europe Economic Relations Dialogue

Australia-Europe Economic Relations Dialogue

On 1 October 2018 the IIT collaborated with the SAIS Europe division of the Johns Hopkins University to host an Australia-Europe Economic Relations Dialogue in Bologna.  The event was opened by Greg French, Australian Ambassador to Italy, Michael Plummer, Director of the JHU Bologna Center, and Christopher Findlay, Executive Dean, Faculty of the Professions.  It brought together policymakers, academics and private sector representatives for open and free-ranging discussion, under the Chatham House Rule.

[Read more about Australia-Europe Economic Relations Dialogue]

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