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Industrial Subsidies, market competition, global trade and investment: Towards a research agenda

Industrial Subsidies Working Paper

Subsidization by states of their domestic industries to gain competitive advantage abroad is a perennial topic in international trade discussions. As the world moves into a multipolar environment and China rises in economic prominence, the rules governing subsidies, particularly to the industrial sector, are in the spotlight. 

[Read more about Industrial Subsidies, market competition, global trade and investment: Towards a research agenda]

Global Trade Cooperation after COVID-19: Can the G20 contain disintegration?

global trade cooperation after COVID-19

By Professor Peter Draper - Institute for International Trade
If ever the G20, the self-styled apex forum for international economic cooperation, needed to step up to the plate it is now. However, while it did so for the 2009 London Summit - in the eye of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) - it is highly unlikely to this time. It is also not clear what the definition of success is, unlike the GFC when the core objective was to save Western financial systems from collapse. Each G20 country is correctly focused on managing its own health trajectory, with little policy bandwidth left to devote to international economic cooperation.

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Digital technologies, services and the fourth industrial revolution

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Jane Drake-Brockman, Industry Professor, Institute for International Trade, and Christopher Findlay, Emeritus Professor, Institute for International Trade
From 3D printing (3DP) and artificial intelligence (AI), to cloud computing, 5G, and the Internet-of-Things (IoT), digital technologies are prompting radical new business models offered through digital platforms that promise unparalleled productivity gains and global increases in standard-of-living. Adoption of new technologies is also impacting traditional demand and employment patterns in highly disruptive ways and radically altering the nature of consumer and business transactions. The changes underway raise major questions for traditional domestic regulatory settings and for trade, investment, innovation and industry policies for the digital age.

[Read more about Digital technologies, services and the fourth industrial revolution]

Back to autarky? How to respond to supply shortages in medical devices during the Corona-crisis

logistics and supplies

Andreas FreytagProfessor and Chair of Economic Policy, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena.
The ongoing covid-19 crisis has brought to the fore the vulnerability of societies relying on highly efficient global value chains (GVC) and single suppliers for specific goods. During the crisis, which first severely hit China as the central link in many GVCs, most countries have suffered a shortage of both simple and technologically complex medical devices (e.g. face masks and ventilators respectively). Fierce competition for these devices has emerged, leading to global tensions and trade restrictions, but also to a discussion about the organization of supply-chains and the need for national emergency stockpiling of medical devices.

[Read more about Back to autarky? How to respond to supply shortages in medical devices during the Corona-crisis]

Globalization; on hold or in reverse

Country after country has now imposed restrictions on international travel, and foreign trade is collapsing in tandem with falling demand and disruptions in supply chains. The coronavirus has put globalization on hold. But will globalization be reversing in the longer term? Magnus Lodefalk provides perspectives from research in international economics.

[Read more about Globalization; on hold or in reverse]

Ensuring Resilience of Global Supply of Essential Services in Combating COVID-19

cargo flight

By The Global Services Coalition
As the world continues to grapple with the global COVID-19 pandemic, the members of the Global Services Coalition wish to express solidarity with the work of governments and international institutions to combat its spread. As associations representing all segments of the services industry, we call on governments to take a range of critical measures to maintain resilience in the supply of essential services during this time of crisis.

[Read more about Ensuring Resilience of Global Supply of Essential Services in Combating COVID-19]

COVID-19: Offering us a glimpse into the future of work, the global economy and technology

technology handshake

Simon Lacey - Senior Lecturer in International Trade, Institute for International Trade
COVID-19 has already exacted a horrific death toll in dozens of countries and is only going to get worse in the coming weeks and months. The same is true of the economic fallout it has caused. Soon political leaders will have to make extremely difficult choices as the trade-offs between saving lives and saving economies become even more stark. 

[Read more about COVID-19: Offering us a glimpse into the future of work, the global economy and technology]

Geopolitics, Trade and Protectionism: Covid-19’s impact and paths forward

Boat in water

Dr. Naoise McDonagh - Lecturer in Political Economy, Institute for International Trade
As the coronavirus continues to spread globally, country after country has had to implement the three “L”s: lockdown non-essential services and operations; lockout all non-essential people who are not citizens; lock-in all goods that are considered to be essential to managing the growing health emergency.

[Read more about Geopolitics, Trade and Protectionism: Covid-19’s impact and paths forward]

Non-Tariff Measures and Behind-the-Border Domestic Regulation Impacting Trade in Research and Innovation Services

trade in research and innovation services

Simon Lacey - Senior Lecturer in International Trade, The University of Adelaide
This topic is very interesting and slightly unusual, not least because non-tariff barriers are trade barriers that only affect trade in goods, since by definition a tariff can arguably only be levied on a physical good as it crosses a border. 

[Read more about Non-Tariff Measures and Behind-the-Border Domestic Regulation Impacting Trade in Research and Innovation Services]

Africa Trade Policy in Interesting Times

IIT brought together a distinguished panel of experts on various aspects of Africa’s international trade policy and practice to explore these dynamics and what they mean for African trade dynamics and policy. The African international and continental trading environment is currently experiencing a period of rapid change characterised by positive developments.

[Read more about Africa Trade Policy in Interesting Times ]

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