Jean Monnet Network: Trade & Investment in Services Associates (TIISA)

The Jean Monnet Network Trade & Investment in Services Associates (TIISA) brings together leading academics and key institutions in domestic regulation and global governance of international services trade and investment flows to form a cross economy consortium of academics across Europe, Australia and Asia.

TIISA POLICY BRIEF: The EU Digital Market Regulations: Rule-Maker or Deal-Breaker?

The digital transformation of the economy and society gives rise to a need for updated regulations and rules of the game for the digitised market. Within the EU, this need is  reflected in a number of legislative initiatives, most  recently the Digital  Markets  Act (DMA), the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Artificial Intelligence Act.
Co authored: Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås, Magnus Lodefalk and Joakim Wernberg


TIISA WORKING PAPER: Artificial Intelligence, Trade and Services Jobs

The latest TIISA Working Paper, makes a significant contribution to the nascent literature on the relationship between artificial intelligence, jobs and services trade. The paper draws on Swedish experience and focusses specifically on the impact of AI exposure in knowledge-intensive business services including financial services and professions such as IT, engineering and architecture
Authors: Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås and Aili Tang, Örebro University,


Our partners

Together, these partners have the cumulative expertise, international perspectives and geographic reach to significantly advance research and teaching on EU trade policy and promote wider understanding of the process of globalisation and the role of the services sectors in our economies at a global level. The network will take a deliberately cross-disciplinary approach to activities, spanning economics, statistics, law and business innovation, to enable coverage of the various modes of international delivery of services and to allow proper coverage of a wide variety of regulatory issues across the globe.




Services: The DNA of e-commerce

Lee Tuthill visiting Fellow, The University of Adelaide, Institute for International Trade. Lee worked at the WTO from 1990 to 2021, where she specialized in GATS, telecommunications/ICT, emerging technologies and digital trade. Just as DNA is the key that unlocks the development and functioning of an organism, a whole host of services contribute to the development of e-commerce and how it functions as an ecosystem.



The Role of SME's in Services Trade & the Potential for SME development

November 5th, 2020. Industry Professor Jane Drake-Brockman presented at the Conexión INTAL event by Instituto para la Integración de América Latina y el Caribe (INTAL), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). This years focus was about Knowledge-Based Services (SBC) and their potential for the economic development of the region through international trade.



Introduction to Digital Trade

LAUNCH EVENT: "Introduction to Digital Trade" Online Board and Executive Learning Video. A suit of online learning modules were developed in collaboration with Queen Mary University of London, Orebro University, Council on Economic Policies and Australian Services Roundtable. The launch of these learning modules was hosted by ASR, with funding support of the TIISA Network and Erasmus+ Funding. 


The European Commission's support for the production of any publications or studies does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

European Union

With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union